Spring soccer Registration now open– Click Here
- Spring Soccer – 2025 – (Dover, Ohio)
- Vaya a la parte inferior de la página para obtener la información en español.
- The Dover Soccer Association is for students that live or go to school in Dover, OH. If others would like to play, they should contact John Loffredo.
- Competitive soccer registration is now open.
- Wendy’s Select Soccer registration is now open.
- Wendy’s Little Kickers registration is now open.
******************************************************************************************************** ——————————————————————————————————— - Competitive registration – Click on the link above to register.
- DSA Competitive Soccer
- There may be try-outs for competitive soccer. If your child does not make the team, they will be placed on a select team. Not everyone will make the team. We do not usually have tryouts for spring competitive soccer but may have a try-out if there are available roster spots.
- Parents are not allowed to pick which team they are placed on. Some are formed by grades, and some are formed date of birth.
- Competitive practices will begin in early March. Games will start in early April for Competitive soccer.
- Registration ends on February 11.
- 2 practices per week. (8 games)
- Games start approximately April 5. Season ends June 7.
- Grades 3rd grade – 6th grade
- Ohio Travel Soccer League– Our competitive teams play in the OHTSL. www.ohtsl.com
- Diamond Soccer League (Occasionally we have teams that may play in this league.)
- Players are expected to be at all practices and games. If your child is playing another sport and are not going to be able to make most practices and games, they should play Select soccer.
- Registration fee is $85. The uniform fee is $60.
- Age Matrix for 2024-2025 season Usclubsoccer.org/registration-player-age-divisions/
- We are really looking players with their DOB 2015 and 2016 competitive players for the boys and girls.
- Contact John Loffredo at doversoccer2011@gmail.com if you have any questions.
- Wendy’s Select Soccer –
- DSA Wendy’s Select Boys’ and Girls’ Soccer
- Select Soccer – (grades 2-6 – experienced 1st graders can also play Select) and the cost is $60.
- Registration ends February 15.
- We will start in late March.
- Practices are on Wednesdays for U8. Games are Saturday mornings.
- Typically, all girls select practices are on Wednesday.
- The boys U10 select and U12 select will practice twice a week.
- Boys and girls play games against Tuslaw, St. Mike’s, Navarre, Canton, Carrollton, Strasburg, Sandy Valley, and Bolivar.
- Experienced 1st graders can join the 2nd graders.
- U8 = 1st and 2nd grade (size 3 ball)
- U10 = 3rd and 4th grade (size 4 ball)
- U12 = 5th and 6th grade (size 4 ball)
- Games start in mid- April.
- $60 registration fee. All new players will receive a jersey and socks. Returning Fall 2024 players will not receive a new uniform. There will be an opportunity to purchase a new jersey if your child needs one. ($20)
- All players need cleats, shin guards, a soccer ball, and a bottle of water. Select Soccer –
- Select Soccer – (grades 2-6 – experienced 1st graders can also play Select) and the cost is $60.
- Wendy’s Little Kickers will begin in early April. The cost is $45 is for kindergarten & first graders.
- Kindergarten and 1st graders
- Saturdays only between 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM. Volunteer parents will be needed to coach the teams. The practices are set up for the coaches.
- The Little Kickers programs will be set up with 30 minutes of fun skill activities and 30 minutes of 4 v 4 soccer games with no goalies.
- The season will begin approximately April 12 and end on May 31. No practice on Memorial Day weekend.
- Cancelled practices will be made up on the following Thursday.
- $45 registration fee. New players will receive a shirt and socks.
- Registration ends February 8.
- All players will need shin guards, a soccer ball, a water bottle. Size 3 ball.
- We need parent volunteers to help coach the teams.
- We use MOJO sports app to create practice plans (vidoes to watch) for our coaches.
- Contact John Loffredo at doversoccer2011@gmail.com if you have any questions.
- Hay pruebas para el fútbol competitivo. Si su hijo no entra en el equipo, será colocado en un equipo selecto. No todos formarán parte del equipo.
- A los padres no se les permite elegir en qué equipo se colocan. Algunos están formados por grados y otros están formados por fecha de nacimiento.
- Las prácticas competitivas comenzarán a mediados de julio. Los juegos comenzarán a mediados de agosto para el fútbol competitivo.
- Las inscripciones finalizan el 5 de febtero.
- 2 entrenamientos por semana. (8 partidos)
- Los juegos comienzan aproximadamente el 10 de agosto. La temporada termina el 5 de junio.
- Grados 3º grado – 6º grado
- Ohio Travel Soccer League: nuestros equipos competitivos juegan en la OTSL. www.ohtsl.com
- Liga de Fútbol Diamante (Algunas niñas de 5º y 6º grado pueden jugar en esta liga).
- Se espera que los jugadores estén presentes en todos los entrenamientos y partidos. Si su hijo está practicando otro deporte y no va a poder asistir a la mayoría de las prácticas y juegos, debe jugar fútbol selecto.
- La cuota de inscripción es de $85. La tarifa del uniforme es de $60.
- Matriz de edad para la temporada 2024-2025 Usclubsoccer.org/registration-player-age-divisions/
- Realmente estamos buscando jugadores con sus jugadores competitivos DOB 2015 y 2016 para los niños y niñas.
- (grados 2-6 – los estudiantes experimentados de 1er grado también pueden jugar Select) y el costo es de $ 60.
- La inscripción finaliza el 8 de febrero.
- Empezaremos a finales de junio.
- Las prácticas son los miércoles para U8. Los juegos son los sábados por la mañana.
- Por lo general, todas las prácticas seleccionadas de las chicas son los miércoles.
- Los chicos U10 y U12 entrenarán dos veces por semana.
- Los niños y niñas juegan partidos contra Navarra, Cantón, Carrollton, Estrasburgo, Valle Arenoso y Bolívar.
- Los estudiantes experimentados de 1er grado pueden unirse a los estudiantes de 2do grado.
- U8 = 1º y 2º grado (bola tamaño 3)
- U10 = 3º y 4º grado (bola tamaño 4)
- U12 = 5º y 6º grado (bola tamaño 4)
- Los juegos comienzan a mediados de agosto.
- Cuota de inscripción de $60. Los jugadores tendrán un nuevo uniforme. Los jugadores que regresan del otoño de 2024 no tendrán un nuevo uniforme. Si necesitan una camiseta nueva, costará 20 dólares.
- Todos los jugadores necesitan tacos, espinilleras, un balón de fútbol y una botella de agua.
- Contact John Loffredo at doversoccer2011@gmail.com if you have any questions.
- Niños de kínder y 1er grado
- Solo sábados entre las 8:30 a.m. y las 11:30 a.m. Se necesitarán padres voluntarios para entrenar a los equipos. Las prácticas están preparadas para los entrenadores.
- Los programas de Little Kickers se configurarán con 30 minutos de divertidas actividades de habilidad y 30 minutos de partidos de fútbol 4 contra 4 sin porteros.
- La temporada comenzará aproximadamente el 12 de abril y finalizará el 31 de mayo. No habrá práctica el fin de semana del Día de los Caídos.
- Las prácticas canceladas se recuperarán el jueves siguiente.
- Cuota de inscripción de $45. Los nuevos jugadores recibirán una camiseta y calcetines.
- La inscripción finaliza el 16 de junio
- Todos los jugadores necesitarán espinilleras, un balón de fútbol, una botella de agua. Bola tamaño 3.
- Contact John Loffredo at doversoccer2011@gmail.com if you have any questions.

About Us
We started the DSA travel teams to make sure that every child who wanted to play soccer in Dover had an opportunity to do so. We believe that we have done that. We make sure that every player on the team will play significant minutes in every game.
Dover Soccer Association Sponsors
- Bruno Consulting
- Buckeye Landscapes & Designs
- CLP Services
- Device Independent, LLC
- Directions Credit Union
- Dover Exchange Club
- Dover Penso’s Pizza
- Dover Phila credit Union
- Dover Rotary
- Dr. Kurt Garren, M.D.
- Dr. Nathan Springer, D.D.S., MS.
- Dumonts
- Dover Fab and Burn
- Ferris Financial, LTD
- First Federal Community Bank
- Hanhart Insurance, INC.
- Henry Heating, Cooling, & Plumbing
- Kleen Test Products
- Lucky Tree Service –(330) 407-5227
- Novogradac
- Ohio Laser & Wellness Centers
- One Stop Flooring
- Papa John’s
- Peterman Plumbing & Plumbing, Inc.
- Pulp Juice and Smoothie Bar
- Rea & Associates
- Sibley Mart – Your local gas station.
- Thrive Coach & Training
- Wayne Garage Doors
- Wendy’s (Proud sponsor of our Little Kickers and Select Soccer Programs)
- Willis Group Realty – Jesse Willis – (330) 440-3253